Introducing Primal Soul Reiki Classes
What? Become a Certified Reiki Level I Practitioner!
In this mindfully taught 6 to 7-hour long workshop, you will receive your Level 1 Reiki attunement, and will learn everything you need to know to perform a Reiki treatment on yourself and others. You will also learn Reiki lineage back to Dr. Mikao Usui, the founder of Reiki.
Specifically, you will learn:
How Reiki and energy healing works
The history of Reiki
The 5 Reiki principles
Self-treatment procedures
How to treat others, including children, animals, and even plants!
Meditations and energy healing exercises
And much, much more!
Hop onto the Primal Soul newsletter list to get all of the details straight to your inbox when they become available! You can do that here -->
More details:
Includes books, attunements, snacks and refreshments, and of course, your certification!
Dates TBA
Peace & love
Bobbie xxx
